The Professional Numismatists Guild believes that a working knowledge of numismatics should be a prerequisite for all professional precious metals dealers. For both the coin and bullion markets, additional endorsement as a PNG-Accredited Precious Metals Dealer will position you a cut above the rest.
Our efforts to educate and protect the consumer and raise the level of professionalism in our business have been a credit to the hobby since the PNG was founded in 1955. When paired with the standard of excellence associated with your PNG membership, becoming an Accredited Precious Metals Dealer will give your potential clients the confidence they are looking for when purchasing precious metals.
Becoming an Accredited Precious Metals Dealer will enhance your stature within the precious metals marketplace. There is a world of retail precious metals buyers who are unfamiliar with numismatics and, for that market, additional endorsement as an Accredited Precious Metals Dealer will set you apart. Our efforts to educate and protect the consumer, and to raise the level of professionalism in our business are at the core of the APMD mission.
When paired with the existing reputation and the standard of excellence associated with the PNG, becoming an Accredited Precious Metals Dealer will afford potential clients, and in particular those with no numismatic knowledge or experience, the confidence they are looking for when purchasing precious metals.
In addition to the membership requirements noted on this page, all applicants will be screened by the Board of Directors, and once accepted will pay annual dues in the amount of $300.
As an APMD member you must first be a PNG dealer– a professional consumer advocate– dedicated to protecting and educating coin buyers and sellers. When you’re an APMD dealer, you’ll receive all of these benefits and more:
Be among the most respected, trusted and reliable dealers in the industry.
Deal from a position of knowledge with the support of APMD behind you.
Be known as an expert in both numismatics and precious metals.
Directory listing and profile promotion through APMD.
Trade show and promotional support from APMD.
If you are an existing PNG member and wish to apply for Precious Metals Dealer Accreditation, download the application below.
Accredited Precious Metals Dealer standards are strict. One of the requirements of APMD membership is an agreement to adhere to this APMD Code of Ethics.
To furnish sound educational resources to my non-professional customers on precious metals matters to the best of my ability.
To deliver the precious metals I sell promptly, unless otherwise agreed between myself and my customer.
To pay for precious metals I have purchased promptly, unless otherwise agreed in writing between myself and my customer.
To refrain from misrepresenting the prices, quality or guarantees attached to my merchandise or that of my competitors.
To quote a buy price on any precious metals item I sell on a regular basis, not including items rarely in stock. A precious metals item shall be defined as a commonly traded coin, medallion or bar from any established and reputable mint. Collectible items, such as vintage bars, nuggets, low-mintage items, etc. and bullion items that are third-party graded shall be excluded from the buy price requirement.
To include in my “terms and conditions” and make available to retail customers, either verbally or in writing, information which explains why bullion sales may be final, why prices fluctuate and what to do when it’s time to sell.
To assist governmental authorities in investigating and prosecuting dealers in precious metals items when appropriate.
To refrain from knowingly dealing in stolen precious metals items.
To refrain from knowingly dealing in counterfeit precious metals items.
To abide by all applicable state and federal laws regarding precious metals reporting requirements.
To refrain from any of the following in dealing with non-professional customers:
(a) buying or selling at unreasonable prices;
(b) using high-pressure sales techniques;
(c) using misleading performance data;
(d) intentionally misrepresenting precious metals offered;
(e) intentionally misrepresenting the weight of precious metals items;
(f) intentionally misrepresenting the value of precious metals items;
(g) intentionally misrepresenting the investment potential of precious metals items;
(h) intentionally misrepresenting an affiliation between myself and any Government agency.
To make an oral or written disclosure to my retail customers that (a) the precious metals market is speculative and unregulated; (b) as an APMD member, I am obliged to arbitrate any dispute relating to the purchase, sale or trade of precious metals.
To respect my contracts with all parties to precious metals transactions, whether written or oral.
To respect my fellow Accredited Precious Metals Dealers’ contracts with third parties and not knowingly interfere with same.
To freely exchange non-proprietary information with my fellow Accredited Precious Metals Dealers when requested to do so.
To refrain from intentionally defaming the character of a fellow Accredited Precious Metals Dealer or the quality of that dealer’s products or services for commercial advantage.
To give evidence at APMD arbitrations upon request.
To honor the provisions of APMD arbitration awards to which I am a party.
This Code of Ethics shall be binding upon all APMD members and their registered representatives and employees, as well as on any non-member affiliated with any entity that (a) utilizes the APMD logo or trademark; (b) has a bourse table at a PNG-sponsored convention; or (c) is owned by, or employs, an Accredited Precious Metals Dealer.
Violations of the Code of Ethics shall constitute conduct prejudicial to the PNG and may subject violators to censure, suspension or expulsion from PNG.